She wasn’t going to let him explain. Tony didn’t know how to get through to Natasha. She was too far gone. He could see it in the wild look in her eyes. Natasha had been through too much in such …

Week 371 – Tony didn’t know how to get through to Natasha. She was too far gone. Read More »

Someone was moving her but all she wanted was to remain still. To curl up in a little ball and just … Cease to exist. This wasn’t any kind of life. Belonging to another person, one who wanted only to …

Week 370 – Natasha woke to noise and mayhem Read More »

“She knows how to heel,” Brandon said as he passed her lead over to Tony. If there was one thing that Natasha had learned since her brother took her prisoner it was that fighting was pointless. All it got you …

Week 369 – Just then all hell broke loose Read More »

Emptiness. That’s all he saw when he looked into Natasha’s eyes. As badly as he longed to drag her into his arms, hold her, soothe her, promise her nobody would ever hurt her again, he couldn’t do that. Not yet …

Week 368 – Tony knew he had to play his role even though it killed him to see Natasha lose all hope and his betrayal of her trust. Read More »

Natasha felt … empty. Like her soul, what made her her, was just gone. Ripped from in the basement of her own brother’s home. Even if by some miracle she was rescued there was no way she could ever go …

Week 367 – How much more could she endure? She was done Read More »