Tag: short story

“Here. For you,” he said kind of gruffly, handing her a bag. Opening it she looked up at him in surprise. “This is pink,” she said, holding up the soft, fluffy pink teddy bear. To read the rest of this …

Week 11 – Maybe Read More »

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“No. Please, don’t,” he begged. This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t be about to lose the woman he loved. The most magical day of his life, his wedding day, was about to end in the most horrifying nightmare he could …

Week 10 – Wait a minute Read More »

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She woke up slowly, feeling groggy and nauseous. Someone was looming over her. To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of Fate!

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Moving. She was moving. Well maybe someone was moving her? To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of Fate!

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Which way to run? She wasn’t sure. Which way was the road? She wasn’t sure of that either. To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of …

Week 7 – Thunder rolls in the distance Read More »

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