Week 311 – He watched her riding the carousel with a blonde haired little boy
Hiding in the shadows he watched her riding the carousel with a blonde haired little boy.
His little boy.
He knew it with every fiber of his being. Would know it even if the child wasn’t a mini replica of him. The timing fitted perfectly, the child looked about four and it had been five years since he’d last seen her.
She hadn’t told him she’d had a child.
Their child.
He deserved to know.
Anger coursed through his body even as he knew it wasn’t justified. He’d left her without a word, hadn’t told her how to get in touch with him. How could she have told him she was pregnant with his son?
Still the anger remained.
This was his son.
His son.
And he had missed out on the first four years of his life.
Someone had to pay for that and he hadn’t yet decided who.