Tag: mystery

Natasha froze. That was her brother’s voice. Brandon was here. Here. In Tony’s apartment. A place that was supposed to be safe. Fear her her muscles locking up, her body refusing to cooperate, her lungs wanting to stop working right …

Week 376 – Natasha walked out holding Tony’s gun Read More »

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Four weeks. That’s how long it had been since he’d rescued Natasha and she’d moved into his apartment. Things between them had settled into a comfortable pattern. They’d gotten to know one another and there was definitely something growing between …

Week 375 – Tony was still feeling guilty for leaving Natasha the way he did Read More »

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It all felt surreal. After weeks of being her brother’s prisoner, being beaten down and then built back up again in the image he wanted for her, Natasha could hardly get her head around the idea that she was free. …

Week 374 – With Brandon still out there, Tony knew he would do ANYTHING to protect Natasha Read More »

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Sure he must have heard his partner wrong, Tony just stared at Garret. “What did you just say?” he growled, making Natasha shiver in his arms. “Brandon was gone,” Garret repeated. “We found a tunnel under the house.” “We knew …

Week 373 – We found a tunnel under the house Read More »

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Everything hurt. Including her heart. But that was a different kind of pain that came from her brother’s horrific betrayal. Question was, had Tony also betrayed her? He was still talking, his lips moving in earnest, but was she even …

Week 372 – Was she even listening? Read More »

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