Week 376 – Natasha walked out holding Tony’s gun

Natasha froze.

That was her brother’s voice.

Brandon was here.


In Tony’s apartment.

A place that was supposed to be safe.

Fear her her muscles locking up, her body refusing to cooperate, her lungs wanting to stop working right here and now so she didn’t have to face the bogey man of her nightmares.

“You’re not getting to her, Brandon,” Tony’s calm, sure, confident voice spoke.

“I have plans for you later,” Brandon snapped. “Nobody double crosses me and lives. But first I need to teach my sister a few lessons. Then I’m going to find the worst man I can and sell her to him. That will teach her.”

Violent shudders rocked her body.


She couldn’t survive that.


“I won’t let you hurt her again, Brandon,” Tony said like it was a foregone conclusion.

Brandon just laughed. “How exactly do you think you’re going to stop me?”

Tony’s weapon laid on the kitchen table, alongside the dishes she’d set out in preparation of sharing a meal with Garret. Could she …

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stop you,” Tony said.

There was no way she could allow him to sacrifice himself for her. So she did what she had to do.

Natasha walked out holding Tony’s gun, finding Garret bleeding on the floor, Tony on his knees, his hands behind his head, and Brandon standing in the middle of the room his weapon aimed at Tony’s head.

“What do you think you’re going to do with that?” Brandon asked, laughing at her. “Present.”

The word urged her body to do as it was told. If she didn’t she’d be hurt.

“Present, Natasha. Now,” Brandon snapped.

Her body trembled with the need to obey, but if she did then she forfeited all of their lives.

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One comment on “Week 376 – Natasha walked out holding Tony’s gun
  1. أنابيب الرصاص في العراق تُعرف مصنع إيليت بايب كمزود موثوق لأنابيب الرصاص في العراق. على الرغم من الانخفاض في استخدام أنابيب الرصاص في التطبيقات الحديثة بسبب المخاوف الصحية، تحافظ مصنع إيليت بايب على إرثها في توفير أنابيب رصاص عالية الجودة للتطبيقات المحددة التي لا تزال تحتاج إليها. يضمن التزامنا بالموثوقية والتميز أننا نقدم منتجات تلبي أعلى معايير الأداء. للحصول على معلومات حول أنابيب الرصاص لدينا وتطبيقاتها، قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني على ElitePipe Iraq.

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