Week 383 – Killer has now been found to be stalking his victims

Killer has now been found to be stalking his victims.

When he’d read that headline, Garret had known he had to do something to make things right with Calico. Knowing he’d been deliberately nasty just because he was feeling sorry for himself had him feeling on edge, and he needed to rid himself of the feeling.

“I owe you the biggest apology. Despite what you’ve seen of me these last few weeks I swear I’m not usually this guy. Believe it or not I’m usually pretty easygoing,” he said, shooting her what he hoped was his most charming smile.

From the expression on her pretty face he knew she in fact didn’t believe him.

“You don’t know me. Or what I’ve been through in my life. I like to be positive, like to look for the good because I’ve seen enough bad to last a lifetime, but I don’t want it to darken all the color in my world,” Calico told him.

“I wish I could see the world the way you do,” he admitted. “I’ve also seen a lot of dark, and I never thought I would be the kind of guy who let misery consume me but …” he trailed off because that was exactly who he’d become. “I’m truly sorry, Calico, for hurting you and lashing out. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

For a long moment her green eyes studied him thoughtfully, and then finally she nodded and that bright smile he was so used to seeing on her beautiful face was back. “Life is too short for grudges, and you sound sincere, so apology accepted.”

For the first time in weeks a smile curled up his lips and he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

“Thank you,” he told her. “I’ll try to figure out how to be my old self again.”

“It’s not easy,” she said seriously and he hated that she’d had her own brush with darkness. She was too good, too pure for that. “But I have faith in you. And … I’d like to meet the real you,” she added somewhat shyly.

Was she asking him out?

His smile grew bigger and wider. “I’m going to take you up on that, doll.”

As soon as he was fully recovered he was going to ask the gorgeous nurse out on a date. His mom always said everything happened for a reason, maybe the reason he’d almost died was to bring him in contact with a woman who could change his life.

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One comment on “Week 383 – Killer has now been found to be stalking his victims
  1. GlobalBllog says:

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