Week 384 – She had a huge grin on her face

“She had a huge grin on her face.”

Calico’s heart ached as she read the latest headline about the nurse serial killer. There had been no sixth victim yet but it didn’t seem to stop the papers and the internet from talking about the case. It seemed to be the the only thing people wanted to discuss these days.

Or maybe it was just that she was a nurse, and she worked in a busy hospital, so of course people were always talking about the case.

Yawning as she headed for Garret’s room, she couldn’t wait to get home, soak in a bubble bath, then head to bed. She’d been picking up extra shifts this week because Nora had been out sick.

“Hey,” she said as she headed into Garret’s room. “I hear you’re getting out of here tomorrow.”

Almost two weeks had passed since he’d apologised and she’d accepted and things had been going well between them. She usually left going to him to the end of her shift and they’d talk a little before she clocked out for the day. She was going to miss him when he left.

“Yep, still got some rehab I’ll need to do but I’m ready to get back to work. I’m also hoping that once I’m out of here you’ll let me take you out on a real date.”

Calico felt her cheeks tint pink and she smiled somewhat shyly. They’d danced around the topic a few times but he’d never come right out and said he wanted to take her out.

“I’d love to,” she agreed.

“Perfect. Are you going to be in tomorrow? Will I see you before I’m discharged?”

“Yeah, I’ll be back in in eight hours.” Which would leave her barely time to get home, have her bath, have maybe five or six hours sleep before she had to come back.

“Go home, doll. We can talk more tomorrow, you’re exhausted.”

She was, and as much as she’d love to hang around for a while and talk he was right. She needed sleep.

“Alright,” she agreed. “I’m going to miss seeing you every day.” The admission was easier to make than she would have thought.

Garret’s smile was warm and he reached out to smooth a lock of hair off her cheek. “Me too. But if I play my cards right maybe that won’t be an issue forever.”

For the first time in almost two years a tingly sensation started between her legs. She was attracted to Garret, more and more as she got to know the real him and not the jerk he’d been at first.

Somewhat reluctantly she tore herself away from Garret’s room after telling him goodnight. If she didn’t leave she’d do something about the ache between her legs and she really did need some sleep.

As she stepped out of the hospital and started walking towards the bus she got the unpleasant sensation of eyes watching her every move.

Only when she looked around she couldn’t see anyone.

All this focus on the nurse serial killer was starting to get to her, messing with her head. It was nothing, she was sure of it, just her overactive imagination.

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3 comments on “Week 384 – She had a huge grin on her face
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