Week 389 – How many more will die before this ends!
How many more will die before this ends!
Garret stared at the headline, his head spinning with everything that he’d learned from Calico. Those eyes he’d felt watching them when he picked her up for her date, were those the eyes of the man hunting nurses, or her ex? The person who had broken into her home was that the killer or her ex?
The thought of this woman, he was falling for a little more each day, being in danger, being hurt, felt like a thousand knives plunging into his body. How was he supposed to keep her safe from not one but two predators when he wasn’t even one hundred percent recovered from being shot?
Tightening his grip on her, his heart fluttered when she reached out and began to stroke his arm. Comforting and reassuring him when he should be the one to be taking care of her right now. She’d had a terrible scare this morning and while she was safe he knew she was struggling to keep it together.
“It’s going to be okay, Garret,” Calico whispered.
“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” he joked half heartedly.
“Somehow we’ll get this mess sorted out. All of it.”
“Oh we will, I will not let anyone hurt you again,” he vowed, making her smile. One of those real, heart warming, soul touching ones that he was coming to love
“I believe you,” she said, no idea how much those words meant to him.
When there was a knock on his front door they both jumped even though they knew it was going to be his partner Tony and Tony’s new girlfriend Natasha.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back.” Giving the top of Calico’s head a kiss he left her on the couch and headed for the door.
As soon as he opened it he knew something was wrong. Tony and Natasha were supposed to pick up Calico’s keys from the gas station attendant and then drive her car over to his place
“What’s wrong?” he asked without preamble.
“Someone stole her car,” Tony informed him. “When we went to pick it up it was gone.”
If someone had taken her car then it meant someone had been following her, it wouldn’t just be randomly stolen from a busy gas station in the space of thirty minutes or less.