Tag: prompt

Charity stared at the sobbing, trembling man in front of her. She supposed she should feel guilty that he was a mangled, bloody mess, but she felt nothing. The ability to feel empathy had been conditioned out of her. To …

Week 18 – Only two fingers on his left hand Read More »

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Charity had been wrong. They hadn’t wanted to kill her. They had wanted to use her. To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of Fate!  

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The dark grew darker. The silence grew louder. Charity felt like she was losing her mind. To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of Fate!

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“Stop it,” the woman ordered, slapping at her face. “Don’t hold your breath.” She couldn’t stop holding her breath. If she opened her mouth this crazy woman was going to stuff some little white pill between her lips. To read …

Week 15 – Don’t hold your breath Read More »

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“What would you give to save your husband’s life?” Without hesitation she replied, “Anything.” To read the rest of this scene simply subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free copy of my subscriber book Flashes of Fate!

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