Tag: mystery

Was it her mind playing tricks again? Was there really someone out there? Rachel strained to see through the think darkness but she didn’t see anymore moving shadows. She was probably just imagining things. It certainly wouldn’t be the first …

Week 81 – Was it her mind playing tricks again Read More »

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She sat at the window, staring deeply into the dark. She couldn’t sleep. She hardly ever slept these days. Just cried. Tears were about all her life had become. She cried, she barely slept, she barely ate, she barely ever …

Week 80 – Staring deeply into the dark Read More »

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He was just standing there staring at her. Did he think she was lying? It wouldn’t be the first time she had confessed the hell she had lived in only to have the person tell her she was making it …

Week 79 – That’s so soft and fluffy Read More »

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He’d hit her. If it wasn’t for the blinding headache, Katherine wouldn’t have believed it. Her worst fears had come true. He knew. Jonah knew. How was she going to talk her way out of this without telling him anything …

Week 78 – He left the room in a panic only to come back and find her gone Read More »

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What was the secret they were both hiding? He was pretending he didn’t know Katherine was a killer, and she was pretending she wasn’t one. How long would this charade last? Jonah didn’t think he could go on like this …

Week 77 – What was the secret they were both hiding? Read More »

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