Week 189 – Scared
Why did he like to torture himself like this? Jacob didn’t have an answer to that question, but here he was, on his stomach on the ground, rocks and sticks poking painfully into his ribs and abdomen, hot and irritated, …
Why did he like to torture himself like this? Jacob didn’t have an answer to that question, but here he was, on his stomach on the ground, rocks and sticks poking painfully into his ribs and abdomen, hot and irritated, …
The water was cool and smooth on her skin as she swum absently around the lake. The sky was a large black expanse above her, littered with millions of stars. The stars were one of the things she loved the …
Macey woke up a week later. Seven days gone. Seven days that they would never get back. Seven days Tyler had feared that this time he had lost her for good. Thankfully he had been unconscious for the first two …
“TYLER! Don’t You die on me, I just got you back,” Macey sobbed as she clutched his hand as though that would force him to come back to her. Paramedics filled the room, voices floated around her, someone tried to …
Week 186 – TYLER! Don’t You die on me, I just got you back Read More »
Cold. Tyler was cold. Freezing. Wet. He felt wet as well. There was also pain. Pain so strong it stole his ability to breathe. Weeping. He could hear someone crying. Macey. It was Macey. Her tears cut through the pain …
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