Tag: Tony and Natasha

She fought like a wildcat, Tony would give her that. Wasn’t going to do her any good though. The outcome would be the same. Whatever had just spooked Natasha Jenkins he needed to know about it. “Stop fighting, firecracker,” he …

Week 348 – Waking up in the back seat Read More »

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This could not be happening. As Natasha ran out of her trashed apartment she was practically hyperventilating. It wasn’t just that her beautiful little house, which she had worked so hard to make into a home, had been completely torn …

Week 347 – Hyperventilating Read More »

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What was the gorgeous blonde doing here this late? He’d been waiting around for the building to empty out before sneaking back in. No one was supposed to be here yet he’d heard the pretty granddaughter rifling through things from …

Week 346 – Natasha arrived home to chaos Read More »

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She was in big trouble. How had she thought she could do this on her own? Natasha was way past needing help only she didn’t know how to go about asking for it now. She’d been poking her nose where …

Week 345 – She no longer knew who this was Read More »

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