Week 323 – Now how was she gonna get herself out of this pickle?

The woman was going to get herself killed.

Doctor Clover Ellis was a force to be reckoned with. Despite the fact that there were four armed gunmen standing in the middle of the ER where she worked as a trauma surgeon she was cool, calm, and collected.

Strike that, she wasn’t just in control of herself but she looked annoyed about the intrusion to her day, and angry that her patients and their families were in danger.

Admirable, but equally as stupid.

Damn woman was going to get herself in more trouble than she knew.

What was worse was she knew it. Beneath the controlled facade he could see she was wondering now how was she gonna get herself out of this pickle? While guns in her hospital weren’t normal gunshot wounds definitely were. Right in the centre of one of the gang capitals of the country Dr. Ellis was an expert in treating them and saving lives.

Exactly why her own was now in danger.

And Freeze had no idea how he was going to get her out of it alive and in one piece.

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