Tag: Dean and Tayla

She was floating. Floating away. “Please God don’t let her die.” Tayla heard the words, knew that Dean had said them, but she was still floating. She didn’t want to leave Dean, she didn’t want to leave him in the …

Week 158 – Please God don’t let her die Read More »

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Sounds, soft beeping entered his consciousness. Dean bolted upright as memories of what had just happened flood through his mind. The sound he had thought was beeping he quickly realised was actually Tayla moaning. “Tay,” he said flipping over the …

Week 157 – Sounds, soft beeping entered his consciousness Read More »

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Tayla couldn’t take much more of this. If Dean didn’t find her soon then all he was going to find when he figured out Jason was the one who had taken her was her body. She didn’t want that for …

Week 156 – It’s never easy Read More »

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“You’re awake.” Dean looked over at Jax as his partner entered the conference room. “Of course,” he replied like it was obvious. Because it should be. There was nowhere else he was going to be than working this case until …

Week 155 – You’re awake Read More »

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Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound penetrated the haze Tayla was trapped in, irritating her and nudging her out of her cosy little cocoon of peace and darkness. Was the tap in her bathroom dripping? The kitchen tap had been giving …

Week 154 – Dean’s mind would be racing Read More »

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