Tag: Tony and Natasha

Natasha shook her head wildly as though that would take back Tony’s words. Her brother didn’t run an underage prostitution ring. This makes no sense. Yet … Tony was here, and he said he was an undercover cop so … …

Week 353 – This makes no sense Read More »

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Shocked blue eyes looked up at him. If there hadn’t been so much confusion in her expression Tony might have doubted her, wondered if she was somehow mixed up in her brother’s mess. “I have no idea what you’re talking …

Week 352 – My brother? This can’t be happening! Why? Read More »

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She looked up and said, “You.” Natasha had been pretty sure it was the new guy Tony who had kidnapped her but actually seeing him standing in the doorway, and knowing he was the one who had done this to …

Week 351 – She looked up and said, “You.” Read More »

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“Your firecracker is awake.” The words had Tony looking up from the laptop he was using. Natasha had been out for longer than he thought she would be. Almost long enough that he had considered having to do something about …

Week 350 – Tony wanted to ease her mind, but just how much could he reveal? Read More »

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Natasha groaned and pressed her hands to her temples, willing away the pain tearing through her head. Why did she feel so awful? Wasn’t just her head, her stomach was queasy, and every inch of her body felt incredibly heavy. …

Week 349 – Waking she asked, “Who are you?” Read More »

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